Sunday 23 March 2014


Welcome to EnergySpring

By Carmen Burby 23.03.2014

I am writing this blog in the hope of connecting with friends who would like to share their views on how we can maximise personal performance and resilience in our daily lives without inducing excessive stress and burning out.

The range of E-nergySprings is as diverse as the people who practice them and they allow us to tap into them to energise ourselves, but sometimes because of the numerous commitments we have in our lives, we tend to end up neglecting the most important person, ourselves. Hence, we may eventually experience the most dramatic consequences of our neglect. Burnout.

How to recover from this dramatic and traumatic state?

For me it was an ancient and long established discipline, which originated in India and in 1957 Swami Vishnu-Devananda was sent by his master Swami Sivananda to introduce and spread the ancient teachings of Yoga to the West. I am referring to the practice of Sivananada Yoga. Even though I was introduced to Yoga as a teen and have practiced ever since I would say I am still in the early stages of getting to know the intricacies that encompasses the science of Yoga. However, in the most trying times of my life it has served as a personal refuge where I was able to become better acquainted with the practice, which in turn inspired greater commitment and dedication. I would dare to say that I believe during my darkest hours it became my greatest gift and support because it prompted me to embark on a process of transformation using different methods that enable me to understand the illness and myself. Hence, I returned to normal life. In addition to all the care and assistance received from the mental health practitioners at the hospital and my amazingly supportive GP, Yoga positively influenced the long slow climb to recovery.

I feel that I have a story to tell you and as I was gifted I would like to pass this gift and wonderful treasure onto you!

Would you like to share my E-nergySpring? Wishing you all the very best and I look forward to hearing from you.

© 2014 Carmen Burby.


    I am enjoying your blog and your optimistic outlook. It is magical to spread a joyous word about something you practise and believe in, like yoga and meditation. Me as a yogi can tell without yoga and spirituality there is not much meaning in our lives. Some find out sooner, other later, but sooner you discover, the better your life will get in every are and on every level. Total soul expansion and delight. Keep on writing such wondrous texts, Carmen. Fondly, Liby

    1. Dearest Liby, thank you for your kind words of encouragment and knowledge. My aim is to spread awareness of the science of Yoga. A you know it encompasses so many beautiful disciplines which could be incorporated in our daily life to help us to live a more balanced life. I hope I will be able to achieve this aim. All the very best and have a fabulous day!
